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Velvet and Angus Puppies


Here is a little about Miss Liberty:


Liberty, AKA Libby is adjusting so well just after one full week of being with me! She was quick to bond with me and the rest of the pack. She is not a super velcro dog but loves to be near me and the pack. She also has the ability to self sooth and does not require my attention at all times but rather keeps herself busy. 


Libby is an observant puppy and loves to play with her big brothers! She is also a very curious girl and has no problem exploring her surroundings. She is quick to pick up on social queues of our pack and is very food motivated! 


Laura and Jessica, thank you for allowing this precious girl in my life! You both breed such wonderful puppies! I can't wait to see what is in store for us along this journey!

Libby's LER Summary:

Beautiful pup with great conformation. Striking to look at. Medium soft temperament, very velcro type, stays right with tester but not clingy or needy. She is a nice, friendly, stable and curious puppy. She is also very forgiving. She didn’t have any interest in the squeaky ball in the test, but LOVED the tug. The tug will be her thing. She was also very interested in the penny can and was intrigued by the sound of it. In the maze, she panicked at first, crying then once shown the first turn, she came right out the remainder. She is gun sure. A stable, well adjusted pup

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